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Operation Wildfire Case | farm free₲

Type: Container
Grade: Base Grade
Category: Usual
Strickers: No

Container Series #112

Contains one of the following:
PP-Bizon | Photic Zone
Dual Berettas | Cartel
MAC-10 | Lapis Gator
SSG 08 | Necropos
Tec-9 | Jambiya
USP-S | Lead Conduit
FAMAS | Valence
Five-SeveN | Triumvirate
Glock-18 | Royal Legion
MAG-7 | Praetorian
MP7 | Impire
AWP | Elite Build
Desert Eagle | Kumicho Dragon
Nova | Hyper Beast
AK-47 | Fuel Injector
M4A4 | The Battlestar
or the Exceedingly Rare Bowie Knife!

On market for: 420.75 ₲

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